7th Grade Math

7th Grade Math ( CLASS-7 )

In continuation of Nursery to 6th Grade Math, 7th Grade Math actually consist of more than a basic level math which will definitely help you to build the foundation for higher grade maths. Here we have tried to learn math step by step, showing very easy simplified process with very logical way. In every stages of math we have tried to develop your concept about math with preparation for higher level math. So, here you will learn 7th Grade Math step by step. Entire module or syllabus of 7th Grade Maths are given below -


1) Number System,

2) Rules for Fundamental Operation,

3) Factors & Multiples,

4) Concept of Exponents,

5) Problem & Solution of Exponents

6) Powers

7) Prime Factorization,

8) Finding HCF,

9) HCF by Division Method,

10) HCF by Prime Factorization Method,

11) LCM,

12) LCM by Division Method,

13) LCM by Prime Factorization Method

14) Relation Between HCF & LCM,

ii) ROOT  

1) Introduction of Roots

2) Finding Cube Root,

3) Finding Cube Root by Prime Factorization Method,

4) Finding Root by Division Method

5) Finding Square Root of a Fraction

6) Problem & Solution, 

7) Rules with Example,


1) Introduction of Exponents,

2) Important Rules of Exponents

3) Problem & Solutions,


1) Introduction of Integers,

2) Rules for Addition of Integers

3) Subtraction of Integers,

4) Multiplication of Integers,

5) Division of Integers,

6) Integers on Number Line

7) Addition of Integers On Number Line

8) Subtraction of Integers Through Number Line,


1) Introduction of Percentage

   (a) Conversion Of Percentage to Fraction,

   (b) Conversion Of Percentage to Ratio,

   (c) Conversion Of Fraction to Percentage,

   (d) Conversion Of Ratio to Percentage,

   (e) Conversion Of Percentage to Decimal,

   (f) Conversion Of Decimal to Percentage,

2) Divide the Quantity via Fraction Obtained from Percentage,

3) Percentage of Change,

4) Percentage of Quantity,

5) Quantity as Percentage of Another,



1) Introduction of Fraction,

2) Rules of Fraction,

3) Rules for Addition of Fraction

4) Addition of Fraction,

5) Important Rules of Fraction

6) Comparison of Fraction,

7) Conversion From Fraction to Percentage,

8) Conversion from Measurement to Percentage,

9) Reciprocal of Fraction,

10) Relation Between Percentage & Fraction

11) Subtraction of Fraction,

12) Multiplication of Fraction,

13) Division of Fraction,

14) Equivalent of Fraction,

15) Types of Fraction,

16) Like-Unlike Fraction,

17) Simplification of Complex Fraction,

18) Unitary method & Variation,

19) Inverse Variation,

vii) DECIMAL  

1) Introduction of Decimal,

2) Addition of Decimal,

3) Subtraction of Decimal,

4) Multiplication of Decimal,

5) Division of Decimal

6) Rounding Off Decimal Fraction

7) Conversion of Fraction to Decimal,

8) Conversion from Decimal to Ordinary Fraction

9) Conversion from Decimal to Fraction,

10) Conversion from Decimal to Percentage


1) Continued Ratio,

2) Comparison of a Ratio,

3) Continued Proportion

4) Compound Ratio,

5) Conversion from Measurement to Percentage,

6) Conversion from Percentage to Decimal,

7) Profit & Loss,

8) Simple Interest,

9) Average,

10) Speed-Time-Distance,

11) Problem & Solution of Time-Speed-Distance,

12) Concept Of Discounts,

    (a) Discounts, Marked Price(MP), Selling Price (SP),

    (b) Problem & Solution,

13) Concept Of Rational Numbers,

    (a) Addition Of Rational Number With Same Denominator,

    (b) Addition Of Rational Number With Different Denominator,

     (c) Properties Of Addition Of Rational Numbers,

         (i) Closure Property Of Addition Of Rational Numbers,

         (ii) Commutative Property Of Addition Of Rational Numbers,

         (iii) Associative Property Of Addition Of Rational Numbers,

         (iv) Existence Of Additive Identity Property Of Addition Of Rational Numbers,

         (v) Existence Of Additive Inverse Property Of Addition Of Rational Numbers

    (d) Properties Of Subtraction Of Rational Number,

          (i) Closure Property Of Subtraction Of Rational Numbers,

          (ii) Properties Of Zero Of Rational Numbers,

          (iii) Rational Numbers Are Not Commutative Under Subtraction,

  (e) Properties Of Multiplication Of Rational Number,

          (i) Closure Property Of Multiplication Of Rational Numbers,

          (ii) Commutative Property of Multiplication Of Rational Number,

          (iii) Associative Property Of Multiplication Of Rational Number,

               (iv) Existence Of Multiplicative Identity Property,

          (v) Existence Of Multiplicative Inverse Property,

          (vi) Distributive Property Of Multiplication Over Addition,

          (vii) Multiplicative Property Of Zero (0).

   (f) Properties Of Division Of Rational Numbers,

           (iClosure Property of Division of Rational Numbers,

           (iiProperty of 1 of Division of Rational Numbers,

                 (iii) Identity Property Of Division Of Rational Number,

           (iv) Inverse Property Of Division Of Rational Number,

           (v) Distributive Property Of Division Over Addition & Subtraction,

                 (vi) Non-Commutative Property Of Division Of Rational Number,

           (vii) Non-Associative Property Of Division Of Rational Number,

     (g) Comparison Of Rational Numbers,

   (h) Inserting Rational Numbers Between Two Numbers,


1) Introduction of Proportion

2) Cross product of Proportion,

3) Direct Variation

4) Continued Proportion,

5) Finding Mean Proportion,

6) Proportion - Problem & Solution,


1) Fundamental concept of Algebra,

2) Power of Literal

3) Addition by Column Method,

4) Like & Unlike Term,

5) Rules for Algebraic Multiplication

6) Addition of Like & Unlike Term,

7) Horizontal Addition,

8) Horizontal Subtraction,

9) Unitary Method

    (a) Unitary Method (Other Way of Understanding),

         (i) Unitary Method - Direct & Indirect Variation,

10) Negative Of An Algebraic Expression

11) Polynomial in one Variable,

12) Special Rules for Multiplication,

13) Value of an Algebraic Expression

14) Rules for Opening Brackets,

15) Division Monomial by Monomial,

16) Division of Polynomial by Binomial,

17) Multiplication of Monomial,

18) Multiplication of Polynomial by Monomial,

19) Rules for Division of Algebraic Expression

20) Multiplication of Two Polynomial,

21) Problem & Solution,

22) Concept of Equation

23) Division of Polynomial by Monomial,

24) Fraction,

25) Rules of Exponents,

26) Column of Algebraic Subtraction

27) Introduction of Formula,

28) Introduction of Simplification

29) Framing of Formula,

30) Problem & Solution of Framing Formula,

31) Coefficient,

32) Variation,

33) Inverse Variation,


1) Introduction of Factors,

2) Difference of Two Square,


1) Introduction of Simplification,

2) Problem & Solution of Simplification,

xiii) RATIO

1) Introduction of Ratio

2) Concept Of Ratio,

     (a) Equivalent Ratio,

     (b) Division Of Quantities Or Values According to Their Ratio,

     (c) Establishing Relation Between an Original Ratio & A New Ratio,

2) Ratio Dividing into Three Parts,

3) Ratio Dividing into Two Parts

4) Multiplication of Ratio

5) Introduction of Roots

6) Equation,

7) Advance Profit & Loss,

8) In-equation,

9) Relation & Mapping, 


1) Fundamental Concepts,

2) Triangles,

   (a) Equilateral Triangle,

   (b) Isosceles Triangle,

   (c) Scalene Triangle,

   (d) Acute Angled Triangle,

   (e) Right Angled Triangle,

   (f) Obtuse Angled Triangle,

3) Polygon,

   (a) Triangle,








4) Symmetry,

   (a) Reflection,

   (b) Rotation,

5) Circles,

xv) SET 

1) Concept of Set,

2) Important Rules of Set

3) Symbol of Set

4) Roster method or Tabular Method,

5) Set Builder Form,

6) Finite Set,

7) Infinite Set,

8) Universal Set,

9) Cardinal Number of Set,

10) Union Set , 

11) Intersection of Sets,

12) Equivalent Set,

13) Sub-Set,

14) Equal Set,

15) Equal Set,

16) Sub-Set of Fraction,

17) Venn Diagram,

18) Problem & Solution,

19) Union of Two Sets

20) Complementary Set,

21) Disjoint Set,

22) Overlapping Set,

23) Union -Intersection Problem & Solution


1) Perimeter & Area,

     (a) Finding Length or Breadth of Rectangle or Square when Perimeter of Area is given,

     (b) Finding Area of Path Inside or Outsideof the Square or Rectangle,

     (c) More Work-out examples on area of the path,

     (d) Finding Perimeter or Area when length of the sides are given,

2) Volume & Surface Area,


1) 7th Grade Math Worksheet,

2) Homework, etc.