We are already aware of that- the number multiplied by itself repeatedly is called the power of the number. The number is called the “BASE” and the number of times it is multiplied is called the “INDEX” or “EXPONENTS”, the index is written or mentioned on the upper righthand side of the symbol for a literal or a constant.

Example –

1)  In, a⁶ = a X a X a X a X a X a, we should read as ‘a’ to the power 6 (Six), base = a , index = 6 .

2)  in, b⁸ = b X b X b X b X b X b X b X b, we should read as ‘b’ to the power 8 (Eight), base = b, index = 8 .

3)  in, y= y X y X y , we should read as ‘y’ to the power 3 (Three) or ‘y’ cubed (or cube), base = y , index = 3 .

4) in, z² = z X z , we should read as ‘z’ to the power of 2 (Two) or ‘z’ square ( or squared), base = z, index = 2 .