The concept of finding or matching Equal & Unequal number is to find whether the given numbers are identical each other by value, position, numerically, character wise or logically or not.

Here we have considered two numbers 3 & 5 as a example for your better understanding, whether we have to prove 3 & 5 is identical (Equal & Unequal) or not.

3 is equal to 3 –

Instead of wards is “ Equal to “ we can use the sign “ = “. Meaning of equal that is the number or object which is similar to the other number or object it may be numerically, character wise or logically.

We will write it as  3 = 3


3 is not equal to 5 –

Instead of wards is “Unequal to“ we can use the sign “  “. Meaning of Unequal that is the number or object which is not similar or identical to the other number or object it may be numerically, character wise or logically.

We will write it as 3  5