Simple Interest

When money is borrowed on simple interest, then the interest is calculated uniformly on the original principal throughout the loan period. The money borrowed or lent out for a certain period is called the principal or the sum. Extra money paid for using others' money is called interest. The sum of principal and interest after a specified period is called the amount. Interest on $100 for 1 year is called the rate percent per annum. The period for which money is borrowed is called the time

Principal = P, Rate = R % per annum and Time = T years,

                                   P X R X T

 then simple interest (S.I) = -------------


Example.1) Find the simple interest on $ 15000 for 3 years at 10% per annum.

Ans.) Given, Principal (P) = $ 15000, Rate (R) = 10 % per annum and Time (T) = 3 years,

                                  P X R X T        15000 X 10 X 3

Then simple interest (S.I) = ------------ = -----------------   

                                     100                  100

                                                =   $ 4500

So, the obtained simple interest is $ 4500              (Ans.)

Example.2) Find the amount and the simple interest on $ 20000 for 5 years at 15% per annum.

Ans.) Given, Principal (P) = $ 20000, Rate (R) = 15 % per annum and Time (T) = 5 years,

                                   P X R X T          20000 X 15 X 5

Then simple interest (S.I) = -------------- = -----------------  

                                      100                    100

                                                   $ 15000

Amount or sum = $ ( 20000 + 15000 ) = $ 35000

So, the obtained simple interest (S.I) is $ 15000 and amount (A) is $ 35000          (Ans.)