Example.1) Subtract  78.221 from 234.5

Ans.) Above all given numbers if you observe those all are unlike fractions. then

78.221 = 078.221 , 234.5 = 234.5                           

Step.1) Convert the given decimals into like decimals.

Step.2) Write the smaller number under the larger in column form in such a way that the decimal points of both the decimals are in the same column.

Step.3) Now subtract them like the whole number.

Step.4) Now we would like to place the decimal point, so in the difference, we will put the decimal point directly under the Decimal points of the given numbers.

So, the result of that given summation is 156.279      (Ans.)

Example.2) Subtract 112.25 from 320.501

Ans.) Above all given numbers if you observe those all are unlike fractions. then

78.221 = 078.221 , 234.5 = 234.5                            

Step.1) Convert the given decimals into like decimals.

Step.2) Write the smaller number under the larger in column form in such a way that the decimal points of both the decimals are in the same column.

Step.3) Now subtract them like the whole number

Step.4) Now we would like to place the decimal point, so in the difference, we will put the decimal point directly under the Decimal points of the given numbers.

So, the result of that given summation is  208.251       (Ans.)