The number of Digits contained in the decimal part of a decimal is called the number of Decimal Places and if there having equal number of Decimal Places then these Decimals may called Like Decimals.

Example-  1)  12.25, 24.35, 56.85  These all decimal numbers have two decimal numbers, so all these are Like Numbers

            2)  17.5, 124.8, 8.5  These all decimal numbers have one decimal numbers, so all these are Like Numbers

            3)  12.234, 8.357, 287.235  These all decimal numbers have three decimal numbers, so all these are Like Numbers

The Decimals having the different numbers of Decimal places are called Unlike Decimals.

Example-  1)   2.8  This number has one decimal places

            2)   3.48  This number has two decimal places

            3)  12.457  This number has three decimal places.

            4)  234.5678  This number has four number places

You can observe that, all of the above Decimal number is unequal or Unlike, so above all number altogether is called, Unlike Numbers.

Any whole number can be written as a Decimal Number Like –   

 52  =>  52.00,  37  =>  37.00,   76  =>  76.00



Q.1) 12.57 , 50.247, 2.0214, 234.2

      12.57 , 50.247, 2.0214, 234.2

We can notice from the above number of series that, the maximum number of decimal places in the given numbers is four. So we have to convert each given decimal into one having 4 decimal places by annexing zeros.

We can write above number like  12.57  = 12.5700  ,   

                                    50.247 = 50.2470   , 

                                    2.0214 = 2.0214  , 

                                     234.2 = 234.2000.

So,  12.5700, 50.2470, 2.0214, 234.2000 are Like Decimals.



There are some step which discussed below and these said steps are applicable at the time of comparison of Decimal Numbers-

1) First we have to convert all the given decimal numbers in Like Decimals.

2) In the second step we have to compare the whole number part, the decimal with the greater whole number is greater and smaller whole number in smaller.

3) In the third step if the whole number part of all given Decimal number is converted into Like Decimal, then we have to compare the Tenths Digit after the decimal point to be compared. The decimal with a bigger digit in the tenth places is greater and the smaller digit in the tenth places is smaller.

4) If the tenth digits are equal, compare the hundredths digits, the decimal with the bigger digit in the hundredths places is greater and the smaller digit in the hundredths places is smaller.

5) If the hundredths digits are equal, compare the thousandths digits, the decimal with the bigger digit in the thousandths places is greater and the smaller digit in the thousandths places is smaller.

And so on …………………..

Example.1)  Compare the Decimal Number 42.35 and 38.56

Ans.)  42.35  &  38.56      Step.1)  In both the numbers first we

          If,  42 > 38                 have to compare the whole number

  Then,  42.35 >38.56                part of the given numbers.

    So, 42.35 is greater than 38.56




Example.2)  Compare the Decimal Number 125.76 and 125.53

Ans.)  125.76 & 125.53   Step.1) In both the numbers first

   If,  125 = 125            we have to compare the whole number

                                                                part of the given numbers and 

                              we can find the whole number part is equal.

Step.2) Now we will compare the decimal part 

 Then, 0.76 >  0.53 of the both given decimal numbers 0.76 & 0.53 

                              So, we can see both the number has 

                        two decimal. So,125.76 is greater than 125.53,

                                        places and 7 Tenths > 5 Tenths.

hence, 125.76 > 125.53, 125.76 is greater than 125.53         (Ans.)