For conversion from fraction to percentage, we have to calculate the ‘Denominator’ of a fraction to be converted into 100 first, then on basis of 100 as ‘Denominator’, we can find the number percentage.
1) Find 5/20 = ? %
Step.1) First observe the ‘Denominator’ of the given fraction which number table may bring 100 in ‘Denominator’ in the next step of the calculation. In the given fraction 20 has given, so we would like to recall the table of 20 and we can find 20 x 5 = 100, 5 is the ‘Multiplier’ here.
Step.2) If 5 is the ‘Multiplier’ for ‘Denominator’ then the same ‘Multiplier’ 5 should be taken for multiplication for ‘Numerator’ of the same fraction. So, 5 x 5 = 25.
Step.3) So, the fraction should be 25/100 = 25% (Ans.)
2) Find 13/10 = ? %
Step.1) First observe the ‘Denominator’ of the given fraction which number table may bring 100 in ‘Denominator’ in next step of the calculation. In the given fraction 10 is ‘Denominator’, so we would like to recall the table of 10 and we can find 10 x 10 = 100, 10 is the ‘Multiplier’ here.
Step.2) If 10 is the ‘Multiplier’ for ‘Denominator’ then the same ‘Multiplier’ 10 should be taken for multiplication for ‘Numerator’ of the same fraction. So, 13 x 10 = 130
Step.3) So, the fraction should be 130 / 100 = 130 % (Ans.)