Example.1)   12 % = ?

STEP-1)  In above conversion we have convert the percentage to fraction first. In this fraction in Denominator we have put the two zero '0' after one '1'. So, 12 will be in Numerator and 100 will be in Denominator. 

STEP-2)  After conversion to fraction we will simplify the same fraction if possible. we will divide both Denominator & Numerator by same digit at a time till possible end.

Example.2)   25 % = ?

STEP-1)  In above conversion we have convert the percentage to fraction first. In this fraction in Denominator we have put the two zero '0' after one '1'. So, 25 will be in Numerator and 100 will be in Denominator. 

STEP-2)  After conversion to fraction we will simplify the same fraction if possible. we will divide both Denominator & Numerator by same digit at a time till possible end.

Example.3)   120 % = ?

STEP-1)  In above conversion we have convert the percentage to fraction first. In this fraction in Denominator we have put the two zero '0' after one '1'. So, 120 will be in Numerator and 100 will be in Denominator. 

STEP-2)  After conversion to fraction we will simplify the same fraction if possible. we will divide both Denominator & Numerator by same digit at a time till possible end.