The place value of a digit is nothing but a position of a number. On depends on the position of numbers place value is decided. If digit moves right to left then the value of digit increases. If the digit moves left side, by every movement value of the same digit will increase by 10 times.

For example- there is a number, suppose 5 which is at the place of ‘Ones’, but if we move one step left it will be 5 ‘Tens’, it stands for 50 which is 10 times bigger than 5. If we move the number 50 one step left, then it becomes 500 which is 10 times bigger than 50 and 10 x 10= 100 times bigger than number 5.

That’s mean if we move 5 to one step left then it stands 5 ‘Tens’ that is 50

                       if we move 5 to Two step left or move 50 one step left  then it stands 5 ‘Hundreds’ that is 500

                       if we move 5 to Four step left or move 50 three step left or move 500 one step left then it stands 5 ‘Thousands’ that is 5000. Example is given below as a picture where you can understand better - 


FACE VALUE -         

Face value of a digit is nothing but the value of the same digit itself.  

For example- in the number which is 378, the face value of 3 is 3, face value of 7 is 7 and face value of 8 is 8. 

As per the above picture another example has been given,  in the number 4567 , the face value of 4 is 4,  the face value of 5 is 5, the face value of 6 is 6, the face value of 7 is 7.   

Important Note-

The place value of 0 (Zero) irrespective of any position is 0 (Zero) Or Numeral



Extended form is nothing but a elaborated or split form of a number.

For example if we take 538, the elaborated form of that particular number is 500 + 30 + 8

If we take 3467, the elaborated form of that particular number is 3000 + 400 + 60 + 7